3 Operating Sequences
3.2.3 Influencing ”AUTOMATIC” operation
Data backup / manual operation:
In manual operation - i.e. operator input required on the NC as well as on the disk drive unit -
other types of data (e.g. machine data, PLC program etc.), besides main programs and sub-
routines, may be transferred.
Transfer from the NC to the disk drive unit:
On the NC the type of data to be transferred is selected in the standard way ("DATA IN-OUT",
"DATAOUT" ... softkeys).
On the keyboard of the disk drive unit "Receive on channel 1" then has to be set. When "?"
appears on the LCD display, the disk drive unit is ready. Data transfer can now be started and
stopped on the NC. The disk drive unit closes its channel by itself and returns to its initial state
as soon as no more data is being transferred and the set "Time Out" waiting period has
elapsed ( no further "?" on the display).
Transfer from the disk drive unit to the NC:
The "DATA IN-OUT" and "DATA-IN START" softkeys are used to switch the NC to receive
mode. On the disk drive unit the desired file must be selected by means of the directory
function and subsequently be sent ("!" on the LCD display). When the disk drive unit is
sending no more data (no further "!" on the display) the NC interface may then also be closed
by means of the "STOP" softkey.
The following data can be transferred manually between the NC and the disk drive unit:
Types of data:
Header line (or the first 8 characters):
Tool offset
” T O A xx”
Zero offset
” Z O A
NC machine data
” T E A
PLC machine data
” T E A
R parameters (channel 1)
” R P A 1”
UMS data
” A S M xx”
PLC program
” P C P xx”
(xx are any two characters which no longer belong to the header)
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