A.3 Miscellaneous
Surface grinding
Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2012, 6FC5398-5CP10-3BA0
Importing the dictionary
Importing the dictionary
For the following languages, a dictionary can be imported for the asian Editor:
Simplified Chinese
Chinese (traditional)
The system offers the option of importing your own dictionaries into the control. These can
be created with any UNI code Editor by adding the corresponding Chinese characters to the
Pinyin phonetic spelling. If the phonetic spelling contains several Chinese characters, then
the line must not contain any additional match. If there are several matches for one phonetic
spelling, then these must be specified in the dictionary line by line.
Otherwise, several characters can be specified for each line.
The generated file should be saved in the UTF8 format under the name chs_user.txt
(simplified Chinese) or cht_user.txt (traditional Chinese).
Line structure:
PinYin phonetic spelling <TAB> Chinese character <LF>
Pinyin phonetic spelling <TAB> Chinese character1<TAB> Chinese character2 <TAB> …
<TAB> - tab key
<LF> - line break
Figure A-12 Example of a dictionary
The directory that has been created should be copied into the configuration directory of the
machine manufacturer (f:\config). When the Chinese editor is called the next time, this enters
the content of the dictionary into the system dictionary.