9.3 Programming cycles
Surface grinding
Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2012, 6FC5398-5CP10-3BA0
' B*&B'180
' B*&B'180
' B*&B'180
Figure 9-2
Coordinate systems for grinding
Plane definition
Before using the grinding cycles, G507 must be activated. Typically, the infeed axis is the
first geometry axis.
A tool length compensation must be selected before the cycle is called. Tool length
compensation is always effective in the selected plane and remains active even after the end
of the cycle.
Types of grinding wheels
The cycles support two types of grinding wheels: vertical and inclined wheels.
During machining, the wheel feeds only in the Y or Z direction.
The use of measuring devices and sensors
When grinding, the following measuring devices/sensors can be used:
Measuring probe
Measurement control
Acoustic emission sensor
Using a swiveling measuring probe, a longitudinal position in Z is detected. This axis position
is stored on a parameter and aids in calculating the errors that occur in the compensation for
each workpiece.
Measurement control is performed at the same time as the grinding machining on the
workpiece diameter. The measurement control switches over the feedrate or defines the end
position at the allowance coordinates in Y for roughing, finishing and fine finishing.
The acoustic emission sensor implements the feedrate stop when the workpiece diameter
sparkles. Time-optimized approach conditions are created.