A.3 Miscellaneous
Surface grinding
Programming and Operating Manual, 11/2012, 6FC5398-5CP10-3BA0
Pocket calculator
The calculator function can be activated from any operating area using <SHIFT> and <=> or
<CTRL> and <A>.
For calculating, the four basic arithmetic operations are available, as well as the functions
"sine", "cosine", "squaring" and "square root". A bracket function is provided to calculate
nested terms. The bracket depth is unlimited.
If the input field is already occupied by a value, the function will accept this value into the
input line of the pocket calculator.
<Input> starts the calculation. The result is displayed in the pocket calculator.
Selecting the "Accept" softkey enters the result in the input field at the current cursor position
of the part program editor and closes the pocket calculator automatically.
If an input field is in the editing mode, it is possible to restore the original status using the
"Toggle" key.
Figure A-1
Pocket calculator