To use another e-Mail address you must create an e-Mail account for it in
the Inbox. To do this, start the Inbox (see page 55).
In the
Inbox menu, tap Services and in the drop-down menu which is sub-
sequently displayed, tap Options. The
Options dialog box is displayed.
Add.... The Service Name dialog box is displayed.
Tap the
Service type list and select the type for incoming e-Mails. Usually
the type
POP3 e-Mail is used. However, some providers already offer the
newer type
IMAP4 e-Mail. Tap the Service Name field. Enter a freely se-
lectable name for the e-Mail account, e. g. your name or the name of your
provider. Tap
OK. The dialog box <installed service> Service Definition 1/
3 is displayed.
Service Name