General functions
© Siemens AG 2003 All Rights Reserved
SIMOTION Safety Unit (AP) - Edition 06.2003
8.3 Output assignment (0.5 A)
Figure 8-2 Output assignment (0.5 A)
The assignment of the 0.5 A outputs can be parameterized for terminals X2.3,
X2.4, X2.7 and X2.8.
Output X2.8 is used to parameterize whether the acknowledge message for the
safety gates is to be signalized on the fault indicator lamp.
The following functions can be assigned to outputs X2.3, X2.4 and X2.7:
ESPE/access protection - supply
This function is used to control ESPE operation. If no ESPEs have been
parameterized for a particular operating mode, the ESPE is switched off as
soon as the corresponding operating mode is selected.
(Acknowledge) signal, protective door
The acknowledge request for the safety gates can also be signalized on a
separate output.
Enable "DOWN" (for edging presses)
This function signalizes to a higher level control that all conditions for the
downward movement have been met. The "DOWN" enable is set when no
active safety devices have been violated and the active control elements have
been actuated. Even if a shutdown delay has been parameterized for the
valves, this output is set to LOW level as soon as the active control elements
are no longer being actuated (see Chapter "Valve control").
Active operator element actuated
This function signalizes that the control elements that are active in the
respective operating modes have been actuated.
Safety devices closed (+acknowledge)
This function signalizes that all safety devices that are active in the respective
operating mode are closed, or are closed and acknowledged.