1.3 Design of the DIO module
Compact Operating Instructions, 11/2011, A5E03493449-01
The output part consists of the following components:
The selector for the source of the OUTPxC.SSEL output signal.
Mode filters OUTPxC.DMODE and OUTPxC.OMODE
The edge detection for interrupts.
Output source
The source of each output is set to the respective bit in the OUTP output register in default
mode or after a reset. The outputs can be directly controlled by setting or deleting the bits in
OUTP. Other functions, such as PWM, can be implemented by selecting a different source.
Output interrupts
You can configure interrupts for rising, falling or both edges of the output signal for each
OUTPxC.ENREI enables an interrupt with a rising edge.
OUTPxC.ENREI enables an interrupt with a falling edge.
The following happens if one or both interrupts are enabled and an edge is detected:
The corresponding bits in OUTPIF, OUTPIFR and OUTPIFF are set.
The output interrupt flag in GSR.OIF is enabled.
If the following conditions are met, the DIO triggers an interrupt:
The output interrupts GCR.OIEN are enabled.
The interrupts GCR.IEN are enabled.
The software can detect the source OUTPIF, OUTPIFR, OUTPIFF and must delete the
corresponding interrupts by writing the bits in OUTPIF, OUTPIFR or OUTPIFF.