1.3 Design of the DIO module
Compact Operating Instructions, 11/2011, A5E03493449-01
The input part of each input consists of a filter block and the edge detection. The input signal
can also be inverted: INPxC.INV.
Input filter
The optional available INPxC.ENF filter has the following properties:
A sample frequency with a sample period of 65.5 μs up to 4 ms in increments of 65.5 μs,
adjustable via INPxC.FSRATE.
A sample threshold of 1, 3, 5 or 7 samples that can be set by means of INPxC.FTHRES.
The sample frequency determines in which interval the input is sampled. The sample
threshold determines how many samples must have the same value until the input signal is
unique and will be passed through. The following applies to the sample frequency: f
62.5 MHz / (INPxC.FSRATE << 12).
Sample period of 1 ms: INPxC.FSRATE = 0xF
Sample threshold of 5: INPxC.FTHRES = 0x02
The input signal must have the same level for at least 5 ms until the input signal is passed
Input interrupts
You can configure interrupts for rising, falling or both edges of the input signal for each input:
INPxC.ENREI enables an interrupt with a rising edge.
INPxC.ENREI enables an interrupt with a falling edge.
The following happens if one or both interrupts are enabled and an edge is detected:
The corresponding bits in INPIF, INPIFR and INPIFF are set.
The input interrupt flag in GSR.IIF is enabled.
If the following conditions are met, the DIO triggers an interrupt:
The input interrupts GCR.IIEN are enabled.
The interrupts GCR.IEN are enabled.
The software can detect the source INPIF, INPIFR, INPIFF and must delete the
corresponding interrupts by writing the bits in INPIF, INPIFR or INPIFF.