Installation and commissioning
5.4 CPLUG (configuration plug)
CP 443-1 Advanced (GX30)
Manual, 03/2019, C79000-G8976-C256-05
Figure 5-2
Inserting a C-PLUG
Removing the C-PLUG
Remove the C-PLUG from the compartment using a screwdriver.
Figure 5-3
Removing the C-PLUG
It is only necessary to remove the C-PLUG if a fault occurs on the CP.
If the C-PLUG has not been written to (factory status), when the device starts up all
configuration data of the CP is automatically backed up.
A basic device with an inserted C-PLUG automatically uses the configuration data of the
inserted C-PLUG when it starts up. This is, however, only possible when the data was
written by a compatible device type.
This allows fast and simple replacement of the basic device. If a device is replaced, the C-
PLUG is taken from the failed component and inserted in the replacement. As soon as it
starts up, the replacement automatically has the same device configuration as the failed
Using a CPLUG with old configuration data
Use only C-PLUGs that are formatted for the CP 443-1 Advanced. CPLUGs that have
already been used and formatted in other device types must first be formatted for the CP
4431 Advanced.
You do this with STEP 7 / special diagnostics. For more detailed information, refer to the
online help in the topic "General Diagnostics Functions - C-PLUG Diagnostics Object".
After formatting, all data areas are deleted on the C-PLUG. The configuration data is
adopted by the CPU only after reloading or after turning on the power supply again.