Configuration and operation
6.12 SNMP
CP 443-1 Advanced (GX30)
Manual, 03/2019, C79000-G8976-C256-05
Exceptions / restrictions:
Write access is permitted only for the following MIB objects of the system group:
A set sysName is sent as the host name using DHCP option 12 to the DHCP server to
register with a DNS server.
For all other MIB objects / MIB object groups, only read access is possible for security
Traps are not supported by the CP.
"Interfaces" MIB group
The "Interfaces" MIB object provides status information on the CP interfaces, with the
following assignment:
This group returns status information about the CP interfaces. The MIB objects of the ifTable
provide the status information of the interfaces. The "ifIndex" object identifier is assigned to
the CP interfaces as follows:
Table 6- 1
Type of interface
Gigabit interface
2-5 (1-4)
Port 1-4 (PROFINET interface)
6 (5)
Internal CP interface
*) If the gigabit interface is not configured, the value 1 is assigned to the first port of the PROFINET interface; the next
values then move accordingly by one position.
Access permissions using community name
The CP uses the following community names to control the access rights in the SNMP
Table 6- 2
Access rights in the SNMP agent
Type of access
Community name
Read access
Read and write access
*) Note the use of lowercase letters!
MIB file and SNMP profile file
You will find the MIB file and the SNMP profile file of the module in the STEP 7 installation in
the folders "S7DATA" > "snmp" under the name of the module.