Types SDV-R and SDV-R-AR distribution circuit breakers |
Instruction manual
Value A
dimensions in inches (mm)
38.0 kV 1,200 A-2,000 A
61 (1,550)
Lifting and moving
There are a number of methods that can be
used in handling the type SDV-R distribution
circuit breaker that, when properly
employed, will not damage the type SDV-R
distribution circuit breaker. The handling
method used will be determined by
conditions and available equipment at the
installation site. Lifting with a crane using a
sling and lifting lugs is the preferred method
of handling; however, overhead
obstructions often dictate that other
methods must be used. Forklift trucks may
be used prior to removal of wooden skids.
Verify the forklift blades pass completely
through the wooden skid under the circuit
Each type SDV-R distribution circuit breaker
has provisions for attaching lifting cables.
Lifting lugs are provided, which are
designed for use with a lift sling or hooks of
the proper size and a crane of adequate
height and capacity. Refer to the type SDV-R
distribution circuit breaker nameplate for
the weight.
Lifting type SDV-R distribution circuit
breaker with crane
The recommended lifting of type SDV-R
distribution circuit breakers is by means of
cables connected to an overhead crane. The
cables are connected to the lifting lugs on
the top of the type SDV-R distribution circuit
breaker as illustrated in Figure 2: Lifting
type SDV-R distribution circuit breaker with
crane. A crane with enough height should
be used so the load angle on the lifting
cable will be approximately 50° when
viewed from the front or rear.
When it is necessary to store a type SDV-R
distribution circuit breaker in an area
exposed to the weather or under humid
conditions, energize the space heaters
provided and make certain that any vents
are uncovered to allow air to circulate. If at
all possible, install the type SDV-R
distribution circuit breaker at the permanent
location even though it may be some time
before the equipment is used. It is also
recommended that the type SDV-R
distribution circuit breaker receives periodic
inspection during storage.
Access to the heater circuit is gained by
opening the door to the relay and control
compartment. Refer to the wiring diagram
drawing for space heater circuit
connections. Lubricate hinges and other
moving parts.
Heavy weight.
Can result in death, serious injury or property damage.
Observe all handling instructions in this instruction manual to prevent
tipping or dropping of equipment.
Figure 2: Lifting type SDV-R
distribution circuit breaker with