Types SDV-R and SDV-R-AR distribution circuit breakers |
Instruction manual
Siemens type SDV-R distribution circuit
breakers are precision-built equipment
designed to function efficiently under normal
operating conditions. They are designed and
manufactured to operate within the
parameters established in the relevant ANSI/
IEEE C37 and NEMA standards for distribution
circuit breakers. Performance requirements of
these standards have been met or exceeded
by these designs.
Figure 1: Typical types SDV-R-AR and SDV-R distribution circuit breakers
Specific standards which apply include:
ANSI/IEEE C37.04-2018 Standard for
ratings and requirements for ac high-
voltage circuit breakers with rated
maximum voltage above 1,000 V
ANSI/IEEE C37.09-2018 Standard test
procedure for ac high-voltage circuit
breakers with rated maximum voltage
above 1,000 V
• ANSI/IEEE C37.20.4-2013 Standard for
indoor ac switches (1 kV to 38 kV) for use
in metal-enclosed switchgear
• ANSI/IEEE C37.20.7-2017 guide for
testing switchgear rated up to 52 kV for
internal arcing faults.
The instructions included in this instruction
manual are provided to aid you in obtaining
longer and more economical service from
your Siemens distribution circuit breaker. For
proper installation and operation, this
information should be distributed to your
operators and engineers.
By carefully following these instructions,
difficulties should be avoided. However, these
instructions are not intended to cover all
details of variations that may be encountered
in connection with the installation, operation
and maintenance of this equipment.
Should additional information be desired,
including replacement instruction manuals,
contact your local Siemens representative.
To provide additional personal protection in
the event of an internal arcing fault, the SDV-
R-AR variant is also classified as arc-resistant
and has been qualified to carry a type 2B
accessibility rating per ANSI/IEEE C37.20.7.
General description