Call recording
Step by Step
incoming and outgoing calls will also be recorded. If you
pause the recorder during a call, special calls such as
consultation calls, call pickups and second calls will not
be recorded as long as the recorder is paused. If the
telephone reverts to idle status, the AutoStart process
is set up again for the next call.
Explanations of recording
Recordable calls
A recordable call is any call that has a call connection
status on the telephone. This can be any incoming or
outgoing call. It is immaterial here whether a call is set
up directly via the telephone or via an application.
Second call
Connected call
Automatic call acceptance
Secured or unsecured line
Non-recordable calls
Outgoing calls that have not yet reached full
connection status, such as a ringing call.
Calls on hold
[1] Server-based conference only