A31003-S2000-M102-3-76A9, 08/07/2009
Asterisk - OpenStage Family, Administration Manual
Quick Start
Extended Network Configuration
To have constant access to other subnets, you can enter a total of two more network destina-
tions. For each further domain/subnet you wish to use, first the IP address for the destination,
and then that of the router must be given. The option’s name and code are as follows:
option #33 "Static Routing Table"
For manual configuration of specific/static routing see Section 3.3.5, “Specific IP Routing”.
Also the DNS domain wherein the phone is located can be specified by DHCP. The option’s
name and code are as follows:
option #15 "Domain Name"
For manual configuration of the DNS domain name see Section, “DNS Domain Name”.
Vendor Specific: VLAN Discovery And DLS Address
If the phone is to be located in a VLAN (Virtual LAN), a VLAN ID must be assigned. In case the
VLAN shall be provided by DHCP,
VLAN Discovery
must be set to "DHCP" (see Section, “Automatic VLAN discovery using DHCP”).
If a DLS (Deployment Service) server is in use, its IP address must be provided. It is recom-
mended to configure the DLS server address by DCHP, as this method enables full Plug & Play:
having received the DLS address from DHCP, the phone will contact the DLS during startup.
Provided that the DLS is configured appropriately, it will send all necessary configuration data
to the phone. Additionally, this method is relevant to security, as it ensures the authenticity of
the DLS server.
For manual configuration of the DLS server address see Section 3.3.7, “Configuration & Update
Service (DLS)”.
For the configuration of vendor-specific settings by DHCP, there are two alternative methods:
1) the use of a vendor class, or 2) the use of DHCP option 43.
The VLAN ID can also be configured by LLDP-MED (see Section, “”).