A31003-S2000-M102-3-76A9, 08/07/2009
Asterisk - OpenStage Family, Administration Manual
SSH - Secure Shell Access (V2)
SSH - Secure Shell Access (V2)
With firmware V2, the phone’s operating system can be accessed via SSH for special trouble-
shooting tasks. Hereby, the administrator is enabled to use the built-in Linux commands. As
soon as SSH access has been enabled using the WBM, the system can be accessed by the
user "admin" for a specified timespan. When this timespan has expired, no connection is pos-
sible any more. The user "admin" has the following permissions:
Log folder and files: read only
User data folder and files: read/write access
Opera deploy folders and files: read only
Version folder: read/write access; version files: read only
Enable access
is enabled, and the parameters described underneath are specified,
SSH access is activated. By default, SSH access is disabled.
With the
Session password
parameter, a password for the "admin" user is created. This pass-
word is required. It will be valid for the timespan specified in the parameters described under-
Access minutes
defines the timespan in minuts within which the SSH connection must be es-
tablished. After it has expired, a logon via SSH is not possible. The possible values are 1, 3, 5,
10, 15.
Session minutes
defines the maximum length in minutes for an SSH connection. After it has
expired, the "admin" user is logged out. The possible values are 5, 10, 20, 30, 60.
Administration via WBM
It is not possible to logon as root via SSH.