Building Technologies
User Manual OCI600
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HVAC Products
Setting up the OCI600 with the ACS7.. software
3. Double-click on the respective line to open the entry field
for entering the module’s name (maximum 16 characters),
the device number and the segment number. Both the
device and the segment number must agree with the set-
tings made on the Batibus relay modules.
4. Expand to go to the operating pages of the individual re-
lays. For each relay, you will find data points “Relay mod-
ule n relay n name“, “Relay module n relay n state“ and
“Relay module n relay n mode“. Edit the name.
5. You can change data point “Relay module n relay n sta-
te“ only if data point “Relay module n relay n mode“ (see
next item) is set to “Manual“.
Note: “On“ means “Contact closed“.
6. For data point “Relay module n relay n mode“, determine
how the output relay shall be controlled. The parameter
values have the following meaning:
Parameter value
The state of the relay can be changed
manually via the Popcard of the
ACS7... operating software.
7-day program
1, 2 or 3
The relay’s state is controlled by one
of the three 7-day programs. For
every day, 1 switch-on and 1 switch-
off time can be defined.