Operating the Control Panel
5.3 System Properties
Unified Comfort Panels
Operating Instructions, 03/2020, A5E46641217-AA
System Properties
Panel information
Under "Panel information" you will find information specific to your HMI device, which you will
need, for example, if you contact Technical Support
The following figure shows an example. Variable display values are shown with the wildcard
character "#" or between angle brackets "<>".
"Device type": HMI device type designation
"Article number": Article number of the HMI device
"Serial number": HMI device serial number
"Firmware/Image version": Version of the firmware and operating system.
"Runtime version": Version of the runtime software located on the HMI device
"Bootloader version": Version of the bootloader
"Bootloader release date": Bootloader release date
"PN-X1 MAC address": MAC address of the HMI device interface X1
"PN-X2 MAC address": MAC address of the HMI device interface X2