Smart Infrastructure
LMV6 Installation Guide
8 Earthing and shielding of the LMV6
8.1.2 Functional earth (FE)
The functional earth (FE) must be connected to a reference ground on the burner
housing or in the control panel and is used to discharge interference current from the
existing shielding. The functional earth (FE) connection can also be established via the
Figure 16: Connection of the protective earth (PE) / functional earth (FE) with the mounting plate
Figure 17: AGG6.500 shielding mechanism (optional)
Establish short and low-resistance connections from the LMV6 to the mounting plate!
The connection from the LMV6 to the mounting plate can be established directly on the
burner plate using the contact plate (figure 7560z43) and a screw. If there is no contact
plate (figure 7560z43), there is an option to establish a connection directly from the
shielding plate to the burner plate using a separate cable.
The connection between the functional earth (FE) and the housing of the SQM4 should
also be established via short and low-resistance connections. Siemens recommends
equipping the SQM4 with a separate cable if necessary. These cables should be
connected to the functional earth (FE) with the greatest possible cross section (min.
1.5 mm²).