Smart Infrastructure
Basic Documentation LME7...
14 Error code list with operation via external AZL2 display
14 Error code list with operation via
external AZL2 display
Display depending on the PME7, refer to
User Documentation A7105.x
Error code
Clear text
Possible cause
Loc: 2
No establishment of flame at the end of safety
- Faulty or soiled fuel valves
- Defective, soiled or incorrectly connected flame
- Poor adjustment of burner, no fuel
- Faulty ignition equipment
Loc: 3
Air pressure faulty (air pressure switch welded
in no-load position, decrease to specified time
(air pressure switch response time)
Air pressure switch faulty
- Loss of air pressure signal after specified time
- Air pressure switch has welded in no-load position
Loc: 4
Extraneous light
Extraneous light during burner startup
Loc: 5
Air pressure faulty, air pressure switch welded
in working position
Timeout air pressure switch
- Air pressure switch has welded in working position
Loc: 6
Fault of actuator
- Actuator faulty or blocked
- Faulty connection
- Wrong adjustment
Loc: 7
Loss of flame
Too many losses of flame during operation (restart
- Faulty or soiled fuel valves
- Faulty or soiled flame detector
- Poor adjustment of burner
Loc: 8
Loc: 9
Loc: 10
Non-volatile lockout with alarm output switched
on at terminal X2-03 pin 3 (fault lamp ON)
Wiring error or internal error, other errors
Loc: 10
Non-volatile lockout with alarm output switched
off at terminal X2-03 pin 3 (fault lamp OFF)
Output contact error (welded contact of an output
Loc: 12
Valve proving
Fuel valve V1 leaking
Loc: 13
Valve proving
Fuel valve V2 leaking
Loc: 14
POC error
Error valve closure control POC
Loc: 20
Gas pressure switch-min open
Gas shortage
Loc: 22
Safety loop open
- Gas pressure switch-max open
- Safety limit thermostat cut out
Loc: 60
Analog power source 4...20 mA,
<4 mA
Wire breakage
Loc: 83
PWM fan faulty
- PWM fan does not reach the target speed within
the preset period of time, or
- After reaching the target speed, the PWM fan
leaves the tolerance band again (parameter 650)
for a time exceeding the tolerance time speed
deviation (parameter 660)
Loc: 138
Restore process successful
Restore process successful
Loc: 139
No PME7 detected
No PME7 plugged in
Loc: 167
Manual locking
Manual locking
Loc: 206
AZL2 incompatible
Use the latest version