Building Technologies
Fire safety and security products
The following configurations are possible through controller or configuration tool:
After activating the output remains:
Steady output
Pulse output: How long the contact remains active can be configured by controller or
configuration tools (pulse duration).
Failsafe behavior when the FD18-BUS detector line is current-free or in degraded mode.
The error behavior defines the position of the output in case of an error:
Off: Output remains in the same position as before the error
Activation: Output is activated in case of an error
Deactivation: Output is deactivated in case of an error
The controller does not monitor external equipment status (activated/inactivated).
Inverted operation (output lines not monitored)
Be used for controlling (e.g. closing a door).
The module switches the externally supplied 24 V DC voltage in active status on the
In normal status there is no monitoring for open line and short circuit.
The jumper on the input/output module must be plugged onto J2/J4 (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 Input/output module jumper position J2, J4
Fig. 5 Connection diagram for inverted operation, e.g. when used as door retainer.
In inactive status the 24 V DC are permanently applied to the output and may keep a door
open, for example. When the output is switched to active, the output goes into "open" status
(= no 24 V DC voltage) and the door is closed.
In this example, the door would also close if the 24 VDC supply were to fail, e.g. due to a line
problem (short circuit, open line).
Under inverted mode, the following configurations are possible through controller or
configuration tools :
After activating the output remains:
Steady output
Pulse output: How long the contact remains active can be configured by controller or
configuration tools (pulse duration).
Failsafe behavior when the FD18-BUS detector line is current-free or in degraded mode.
The error behavior defines the position of the output through controller or configuration
tools in case of an error :
Off: Output remains in the same position as before the error
Activation: Output is activated in case of an error
Deactivation: Output is deactivated in case of an error
The controller does not monitor external equipment status (activated/inactivated).