VDT Interface for the MXL
LCV m - List XLD-1 Calibration Voltage
Use the LCV command for a listing of XLD-1
calibration voltages. At the command prompt,
type LCV, space, and the module number of the
loop for which the list is needed. Press ENTER.
The calibration voltages for the individual devices
on the selected XLD-1 analog loop (m) are
displayed on the VDT in the same format as they
appear in the corresponding print item in the
MXL menu (See
List XLD-1 Calibration Voltage
in the
MXL/MXLV Manual,
P/N 315-092036).
LIV m - List XLD-1 ID Voltage
Use the LIV command for a listing of XLD-1 ID
voltages. At the command prompt, type LIV,
space, and the module number of the loop for
which the list is needed. Press ENTER. The ID
voltages for the individual devices on the se-
lected XLD-1 analog loop (m) are displayed on
the VDT in the same format as they appear in
the corresponding print item in the MXL menu
List XLD-1 ID Voltage
in the
P/N 315-092036).
L2V m - List XLD-1 2nd ID Voltage
Use the L2V command for a listing of XLD-1 2nd
ID voltages. At the command prompt, type L2V,
space, and the module number of the loop for
which the list is needed. Press ENTER. The 2nd
ID voltages for the individual devices on the
selected XLD-1 analog loop (m) are displayed on
the VDT in the same format as they appear in
the corresponding print item in the MXL menu
List XLD-1 2nd ID Voltage
in the
MXLV Manual,
P/N 315-092036).
LKP m - List Air Sampling Smoke Percent
Use the LKP command for a listing of Air Sampling
smoke percent of scale values. At the command
prompt type LKP, space, and the NIM-1 (ASP)
module number for which the list is needed.
Press ENTER. The Air Sampling smoke percents
for the selected module (m) are displayed on the
VDT in the same format as they appear in the
corresponding print item in the MXL menu.
LAP m - List Air Sampling Airflow Percent
Use the LAP command for a listing of Air Sampling
airflow percent of scale values. At the command
prompt type LAP, space, and the NIM-1 (ASP)
module number for which the list is needed.
Press ENTER. The Air Sampling airflow percents
for the selected module (m) are displayed on the
VDT in the same format as they appear in the
corresponding print item in the MXL menu.
LAT m - List Air Sampling Alarm Trip Points
Use the LAT command for a listing of Air Sampling
alarm trip point values. At the command prompt
type LAT, space, and the NIM-1 (ASP) module
number for which the list is needed. Press
ENTER. The Air Sampling alarm trip points for
the selected module (m) are displayed on the
VDT in the same format as they appear in the
corresponding print item in the MXL menu.
LFT m - List Air Sampling Airflow Trip Points
Use the LFT command for a listing of Air Sampling
airflow trip point values. At the command prompt
type LFT, space, and the NIM-1 (ASP) module
number for which the list is needed. Press
ENTER. The Air Sampling airflow trip points for
the selected module (m) are displayed on the
VDT in the same format as they appear in the
corresponding print item in the MXL menu.
LPS m - List Percent/Ft Sensitivity
Use the LPS command for a listing of percent/ft
sensitivity. At the command prompt type LPS,
space, and the module number of the loop for
which the list is needed. Press ENTER. The
percent/ft sensitivity for the individual devices on
the selected loop (m) are displayed on the VDT
in the same format as they appear in the corre-
sponding print item in the MXL menu.
LPP m - List Percent/Ft Pre-Alarm
Use the LPP command for a listing of percent/ft
pre-alarm values. At the command prompt type
LPP, space, and the module number of the loop
for which the list is needed. Press ENTER. The
percent/ft pre-alarm values for the selected loop
(m) are displayed on the VDT in the same format
as they appear in the corresponding print item in
the MXL menu.
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