CAUTION: The ADBI-60 is used for primary building evacuation; NFPA 72
requires that the source of audible power be capable of operat-
ing all primary evacuation audibles at the same time.
Model ADB-3
Voltage Rating: On AC: 28-48 VDC peak, full wave
On battery: 20-27 VDC
Current: Supervisory – 0A
Alarm – 13mA at 25 VDC
Constraint: Only one device is guaranteed to activate per zone.
Model ADBI-60
Voltage Rating: 25
Current: Supervisory – 0A
Alarm – 37mA at 25 VDC
1. The maximum number of ADBI-60s per an AA-30U, AE-30U, SPX-1,
MMB-1/2, SMB-1/2, IXL (ICON-1), or CSM-4 Bell power loop is 40,
with no other devices connected, and with the maximum loop current
Note: The number of ADBI-60s cannot exceed the maximum current
available to the loop. See the System XL3 Manual, P/N 315-
083206, the IXL Manual, P/N 315-092371, the MXL Manual,
P/N 315-092036, or the MXL-IQ Manual, P/N 315-093624, for
the compatibility details of INX, ALD, and audible circuit wiring.
2. Maximum line resistance permitted (both wires), not including the end
of line resistor, is 3 ohms. A minimum of 14 AWG wire must be used.
3. T-tapping of the audible circuit (Figures 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6) is not
4. If the ADBI-60 is powered by System XL3 (Figure 2), the total System
power available for indicating appliances is 5A. If more than 5A is
required, the configuration in Figure 3 or Figure 4 must be used for
auxiliary power.
If an external power source is used on the SPX-1, tie the negative side
of the external power supply to the negative of the PSX 24 VDC power
supply (that is, from terminal 1 or 2 of P9 or P10 on the PSX to terminal
18 of the SPX-1).
Note: The 24 VDC external power source should not be powering any
other devices that could generate noise on the line, such as
Voice Alarm system or devices which are not part of the fire
alarm system. If there is any ground detection with the 24 VDC
external power, disconnect it.
Use the AA-30U for either Style Z (Class A) or Style Y (Class B)
wiring; the AE-30U for Class B wiring only (Figures 3 and 4).