BC8001A Installation and Operating Instruction
Page 36/49
12.5 How to edit logic expression
1~9 steps is the same as “how to configure point”.
10. Press “
” to choose “2.Logic Statement” and press “OK” key.
Logic expression window is displayed.
11. Input the defined logic expression.
To input the characters “. + * = ; ~ ( ) [ ] { } ! : -”, Press the button “1” for a while, once
the letter appears on the screen, loose the button quickly then the letter will be shown on
the edit area.
12. Press “OK” to compile the logic expression.
If any logic expression is illegal, The error message box will be shown. Go 13 step.
If logic expression is legal, the system will save the logic expression in memory and
return to the previous window.
13. Press “OK” key.
The error message box is closed and return the previous window. Now you can
continue to modify the logic expression.
Now the modified text is saved temporarily. If the control unit is reset, the modified text
will be lost. If you want to save the modification for long time, please do the “Save
Configuration” operation(refer to Page 44).
Explanation of logic expressions:
“+”: “OR ” relationship
For example: 01.011.001+01.011.002+01.011.003=
1.011.004, which means any of 01.011.001
01.011.002 and 01.011.003 issues
alarm and links to the 01.011.004 equipment;
“*”: “AND” relationship; For example: 01.011.001*01.011.002*01.011.003=
01.011.004, which means 01.011.001
01.011.002 and 01.011.003 concurrently
issue alarms and link to the 01.011.004 equipment;
“NOT” relationship; For example:
which means 01.011.001 and 01.011.002 concurrently issues alarm but do not link
to the 01.011.004 equipment;
( )
”: Priority class. For example:
*01.011.003=01.011.004 , which means either 01.011.001 or 01.011.002
concurrently issues alarm along with 01.011.003 and links to 01.011.004;
<Config Point> L 3 A
1. Points
2. Logic Statement
<Logic> L 3 A
<Logic> L 3 A
Some Error Message