Settings in the protection device
In protection devices 7SD52, 7SD610, 7SA52 or 7SA6, the protection interface enables the
communication with the opposite protection device must be configured to “enabled”. The
transmission rate
be set in both devices to the same value.
For the synchronous mode
the transmission rate must be set to 512 kBit/s (Comm.–Converter 512 kBit/s) at the
protection device.
Closing the cover of the CC–2M
After changing the jumper settings secure the cover of the converter with the 6 screws and
apply the auxiliary voltage again.
Display and operation
There are four display and control elements on the CC–2M located on the top side of the
housing. These are one red, two yellow and one green LED and one push button
LED: Error or Link Down / Echo Mode
Error or Link Down:
The red LED directly signals the way in which the DR relay functions. For the LED
goes out, certain conditions must be fulfilled:
The Reset Push Button is not pushed.
The E1 / T1 interface is connected and in service.
Echo Mode:
The red LED flashes with a frequency of 2 Hz when the optical interfaces FO1/LWL1
and FO2/LWL2 are in the Echo Mode.
To activate the Echo Mode the Reset Push Button is pushed shortly (< 1 s). In this
mode the data which have been received at Rx by the interface FO1/LWL1 or FO2/
LWL2 are output at the sending side Tx. In this process
data are sent into the
communication network.
This mode is suitable to check the local optical connection between the protection
device and CC–2M. The GOK contact is active. To return to the normal operating
mode, the Reset Push Button is actuated (> 1 s).
As a LED function test the LED is lit when the Reset Push Button is actuated
(> 1 s).
The LED indicates what standard (E1 or T1) has been selected.
E1 Mode (2.048 MBit/s): the LED is permanently lit 1 s.
T1 Mode (1.544 MBit/s): the LED flashes 1 s with a frequency of 4 Hz.