MSCDN – MP2A Applications Guide
©2010 Siemens Protection Devices Limited
Chapter 5 Page 7 of 7
3 Resistor Open Circuit Protection
3.1 Fault Setting Principles
Open circuit conditions are difficult to detect in shunt connected resistors therefore two identical resistors
are used in parallel on each phase and the resistor current is compared on a phase-by-phase basis. Under
operating conditions if either resistor develops an open circuit then the Overcurrent element operates to
either trip or alarm the situation.
The Overcurrent elements must be set to avoid operation due to resistor and CT tolerances.
The Overcurrent pickup and delay must be chosen to avoid operation under transient overload conditions
that do not threaten the resistors thermal overload characteristics.
3.2 Setting Example
Resistor Characteristics
Value of Resistance per limb
Maximum Tolerance
Continuous Rating
12 A
CT Characteristics
Ratio 20/1
Variation of resistor secondary current due to resistor tolerance
Min Value 0.975 x 12/20 = 0.585A
Max Value 1.025 x 12/20 = 0.615A
Worst case spill under normal loading conditions = 0.03A
Open Circuit Protection Settings
50 Setting
0.1 A
50 Delay
1 second