TC45 AT Command Set
17.3 AT^SBC
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Battery capacity
0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100 percent of remaining capacity (6 steps)
0 indicates that either the battery is exhausted or the capacity value is not available
While charging is in progress (charging adapter connected) the battery capacity is not available. Consequently,
=0. To query the battery capacity disconnect the charger.
Average power consumption.
Value (0...5000) of average power consumption (mean value over a couple of seconds) in mA.
is obtained from the ME's power consumption, plus the value you have specified for the application by
using the write command
. Remember that the ME's power consumption varies with its
operating mode (IDLE, TALK, DATA, GPRS/DATA) and the power level.
was not yet specified and no battery pack NTC is detected
returns only the module's
present power consumption.
was not yet specified, but the NTC of the connected battery pack is detected, an offset value of
200mA will, by default, be added. 200mA is an estimated value which represents the power consumption of a
typical external application. Drawn from practical experience it serves as a precaution to ensure proper charging
in case you have not entered
. It is strongly recommended that you enter the correct power con-
sumption of your application as described below.
Note: If the battery does not incorporate an NTC, or the battery and the NTC are not compliant with the require-
ments specified in
, the battery cannot be detected by the ME.
Enter the current consumption of your application in mA (0...5000). If used, the current provided over the 2.9V
VDD pin of the application interface (maximum 70mA) must be added, too.
• If Multiplex mode is active, any virtual channel can be used to enter the write command and to specify
. The undervoltage URC appears simultaneously on all three channels.
• The URC "^SYSSTART CHARGE-ONLY MODE" is indicated automatically when the engine enters this mode
(except when autobauding is active). Unlike the undervoltage URC, it cannot be disabled or enabled by the
17.3.1 Summary of AT commands available in Charge-only and Alarm
For details about available AT commands, please see