The pushbuttons contain single-channel normally open contacts which can be
used to trigger control signals.
LEDs are located in the pushbuttons which can be controlled, e.g. to signal opera‐
tional statuses.
The pushbuttons can be assigned colors using cover caps.
The TR110 Lock safety locking device with pushbuttons differs between the following
Power to lock principle
Power to release principle
Power to release principle with escape release
Further topics
"Ordering information", page 62
Output signal switching device: signal output for the protective device, which is used for
stopping the dangerous movement.
An OSSD is a safety switching output. The functionality of each OSSD is tested periodi‐
cally. OSSDs are always connected in pairs and must undergo dual-channel analysis for
safety reasons. An OSSD pair is formed from 2 OSSDs that are connected and analyzed
Application diagnostic outputs
Important information
In the case of safety locking devices cascaded with T-connectors, the locking function
application diagnostic output (Out AUX LOCK) cannot be evaluated.
Different application diagnostic outputs
Depending on the device connection, the variants feature various application diagnostic
Door application diagnostic output (Out AUX DOOR)
Locking device application diagnostic output (Out AUX LOCK)
Diagnostic application diagnostic output (Out AUX DIA)
Status indicators
The safety locking device indicates status information using multiple LEDs.
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | TR110 Lock
8023119/15LY/2019-10-28 | SICK
Subject to change without notice