background image





t = 2

可在 0 至 2 秒之间设置时间等级。
綠色 LED 閃爍一次。



表 I 中罗列了传感器无法执行某项功能时应采取的各项措施。



LED 指示灯 / 故障界面 /
LED indicator/fault pattern

原因 /

措施 /

绿色 LED 未亮起 /
Green LED does not light up

无电压或电压低于极限值 /
No voltage or voltage
below the limit values

接(导线和插头连接) /
Check the power supply,
check all electrical
connections (cables and
plug connections)

绿色 LED 未亮起 /
Green LED does not light up

电压中断 /
Voltage interruptions

确保电源稳定无中断 /
Ensure there is a stable
power supply without

绿色 LED 未亮起 /
Green LED does not light up

传感器损坏 /
Sensor is faulty

器 /
If the power supply is OK,
replace the sensor

当 Health 存在且随后观察到
输出信号时当 Alarm 存在且
LED 闪烁 /
Yellow LED flashes; if Health
is present then take note of
the corresponding output
signal; if Alarm is present
then take note of the
corresponding output signal

行条件不佳 / 此外在 Health-
输出端: 切断了电源 /
Sensor is still ready for
operation, but the operating
conditions are not ideal/
additionally with health
output: power supply

检查运行条件: 光束(光
斑)完全对准背景 / 清洁光
学表面 / 重新设置灵敏度
(电位计) / 检查开关距
F. / Health 输出端:检查电
缆和插头连接) /
Check the operating
conditions: Fully align the
beam of light (light spot)
with the background. /
Clean the optical
surfaces . / Readjust the
sensitivity (potentiometer) /
Check sensing range and
adjust if necessary; see
graphic F. / With health
output: Check the power
supply, check all electrical
connections (cables and
plug connections).




8017859 | SICK

Subject to change without notice


Summary of Contents for SureSense HTF18L

Page 1: ...O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N SureSense HTF18L Cylindrical photoelectric sensors en de fr it pt es zh ru 8017859 Z127 SICK AG Erwin Sick Strasse 1 D 79183 Waldkirch...

Page 2: ...equired during the life cycle of the sensor ATTENTION WARNING Interruption manipulation or incorrect use can lead to hazardous exposure due to laser radiation 2 Correct use The HTF18L is an opto elect...

Page 3: ...r s maximum permissible tightening torque of 0 56 Nm Note the preferred direction of the object relative to the sensor see A 3 The sensors must be connected in a voltage free state Uv 0 V The informat...

Page 4: ...must go out If the yellow LED indicator remains lit when an object is moved into the path of the beam repeat the adjustment The optimum setting can be achieved and checked using the signal strength li...

Page 5: ...put Q2 in connection diagram B if the health option is selected which issues a notification if the signal strength of the light being received is sufficient Possible causes if the signal strength is n...

Page 6: ...does not light up Sensor is faulty Sensor is faulty If the power supply is OK replace the sensor If the power supply is OK replace the sensor Yellow LED flashes if Health is present then take note of...

Page 7: ...ld be made during the disposal process to recycle the constituent materials particularly precious metals 9 Maintenance SICK sensors are maintenance free We recommend doing the following regularly Clea...

Page 8: ...UNG ACHTUNG Eingriffe oder Manipulationen oder nicht bestimmungsgem e Verwendung kann zu gef hrlicher Belastung durch Laser Lichtstrahlung f hren 11 Bestimmungsgem e Verwendung Die HTF18L ist ein opto...

Page 9: ...Programm Maximal zul ssiges Anzugsdrehmoment des Sensors von 0 56 Nm beachten Vorzugsrichtung des Objektes zum Sensor beachten vgl A 3 Anschluss der Sensoren muss spannungsfrei UV 0 V erfolgen Je nach...

Page 10: ...die gelbe Anzeige LED bei einfahren dem Objekt immer noch leuchtet Einstellung wiederholen Die optimale Einstellung kann mit Hilfe der Anzeige der Signalst rke auf der Sen sor R ckseite erreicht und g...

Page 11: ...ema B bei gew hlter Health Option der meldet wenn die Signalst rke des empfangenen Lichts ausreichend ist M gliche Ursachen wenn die Signalst rke nicht ausreichend ist Verschmutzung der Sensoren Senso...

Page 12: ...en Ensure there is a stable power supply without interruptions gr ne LED leuchtet nicht Green LED does not light up Sensor ist defekt Sensor is faulty Wenn Spannungsversorgung in Ordnung ist dann Sens...

Page 13: ...nwendbaren Vorschrif ten zu erfolgen F r die enthaltenen Wertstoffe insbesondere Edelmetalle ist im Rah men der Entsorgung eine Verwertung anzustreben 18 Wartung SICK Sensoren sind wartungsfrei Wir em...

Page 14: ...mations n cessaires pendant toute la dur e de vie du capteur ATTENTION ATTENTION toute intervention manipulation ou utilisation non conforme peut entra ner des blessures graves caus es par le faisceau...

Page 15: ...amme d accessoi res SICK Respecter le couple de serrage maximum autoris du capteur de 0 56 Nm Tenir compte de la direction pr f rentielle de l objet par rapport au capteur voir A 3 Le raccordement des...

Page 16: ...ctoire du faisceau la DEL jaune doit s teindre Si la LED jaune reste allum e alors que l objet est introduit r p ter le r glage Le r glage optimal peut tre r alis et contr l l aide de l affichage de l...

Page 17: ...ordement B quand l option Health est activ e qui indique si l intensit de signal de la lumi re re ue est suffisante Causes possibles lors que l intensit de signal n est pas suffisante encrassement des...

Page 18: ...Green LED does not light up Le capteur est d fectueux Sensor is faulty Si l alimentation lectrique est en bon tat remplacer le cap teur If the power supply is OK replace the sensor La LED jaune cligno...

Page 19: ...s le cadre de la mise au rebut veiller recycler les mat riaux notamment les m taux pr cieux 27 Maintenance Les capteurs SICK ne n cessitent aucune maintenance Nous vous recommandons de proc der r guli...

Page 20: ...ste manual de instru es cont m informa es necess rias para toda a vida til do sensor ATTENTION ATEN O Interven es ou manipula es ou o uso contr rio s especifica es podem levar a uma carga perigosa por...

Page 21: ...a cantoneira de fixa o adequada ver linha de acess rios da SICK Observar o torque de aperto m ximo permitido de 0 56 Nm para o sensor Observar a dire o preferencial do objeto em rela o ao sensor cp A...

Page 22: ...Se for introdu zido um objeto no caminho ptico o indicador LED amarelo deve apagar Se o indi cador LED amarelo continuar aceso durante a introdu o do objeto repetir o ajuste O ajuste ideal pode ser ob...

Page 23: ...a de conex es B com a op o Health selecionada que avisa quando a intensidade do sinal da luz recebida for suficiente Causas poss veis para a intensidade insuficiente do sinal Contamina o dos sensores...

Page 24: ...ply without interruptions LED verde apagado Green LED does not light up Sensor est com defeito Sensor is faulty Se a alimenta o de tens o estiver em ordem substituir o sensor If the power supply is OK...

Page 25: ...cada pa s No mbito do descarte deve se procurar o aproveitamento dos mate riais recicl veis contidos principalmente dos metais nobres 36 Manuten o Os sensores SICK n o requerem manuten o Recomendamos...

Page 26: ...iclo di vita del sensore fotoelettrico deTec4 core ATTENTION ATTENZIONE interventi o manipolazioni o un uso non conforme alle indicazioni pu pro vocare un carico pericoloso dovuto al raggio di luce la...

Page 27: ...adatto vedi il programma per acces sori SICK Rispettare il momento torcente massimo consentito del sensore di 0 56 Nm Rispettare la direzione preferenziale dell oggetto in relazione al sensore cfr A 3...

Page 28: ...viene messo nella traiettoria del raggio l indicatore LED giallo deve spegnersi Se l indicatore LED giallo continua a rimanere acceso alla colloca zione dell oggetto ripetere l impostazione L imposta...

Page 29: ...o schema di collegamento B con opzione Health selezionata che indica quando l intensit di segnale della luce ricevuta sufficiente Possibili cause quando l intensit di segnale non sufficiente sensori s...

Page 30: ...stable power supply without interruptions Il LED verde non si accende Green LED does not light up Il sensore guasto Sensor is faulty Se l alimentazione di tensione regolare allora chiedere una sostit...

Page 31: ...dal paese Per i materiali riciclabili in esso contenuti in particolare metalli nobili si auspica un riciclaggio nell ambito dello smaltimento 45 Manutenzione I sensori SICK sono esenti da manutenzione...

Page 32: ...uso contienen informaci n que puede serle nece saria durante todo el ciclo de vida del sensor ATTENTION ATENCI N cualquier intervenci n manipulaci n o uso contrario a lo previsto puede provocar una s...

Page 33: ...r del diagrama v ase fig H del modo siguiente Ejemplo x 100 mm y 5 5 de 100 mm 5 mm Es decir entre el objeto y el fondo debe haber una distancia m nima de 95 mm 0 5 10 15 20 of sensing range 0 50 1 97...

Page 34: ...carga L L conmutaci n en claro D conmutaci n en oscuro Alarma Health salida de diagn stico v ase Funciones adicionales 4 Oriente el sensor hacia el fondo fijo Hay que procurar que la apertura ptica p...

Page 35: ...posterior del sensor Los LED del indi cador de la intensidad de la se al se iluminan dependiendo de la posici n del objeto y del punto de conmutaci n ajustado Si no se ilumina ning n LED o solo lo hac...

Page 36: ...curo Conmutaci n en claro 2 1 t 1 1 2 t 2 La escala de temporizaciones puede regularse de 0 hasta 2 segundos Conmutador claro oscuro el sensor se encuentra en modo de conmutaci n en claro cuando el se...

Page 37: ...icies pticas Reajus tar la sensibilidad potenci metro Comprobar la distan cia de conmutaci n y si es necesario adaptarla v ase Figura F en salida Health comprobar la fuente de ali mentaci n comprobar...

Page 38: ...55 1 EN 60825 1 2014 08 IEC60825 1 2007 03 P 4 s QP 21 CFR 1040 10 1040 11 2007 6 24 50 ATTENTION 56 HTF18L SICK AG Image A 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice 37 54...

Page 39: ...20 90 6 90 200 7 87 250 9 84 300 11 81 Distance in mm inch Image H 2 SICK 0 56 Nm A 3 UV 0 V B L Q1 Q2 brn wht M blu blk 1 4 2 3 Image B L Q2 M brn wht blu blk Q1 Image B 2 L M Q brn blu blk 1 3 4 Ima...

Page 40: ...G C 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 Sensing range min Sensing range max Set switching point Image F 270 LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED F C G C 57 8017859 SICK Subject to change withou...

Page 41: ...Image C Image G 59 HTF18L B Q2 LOW UV V HIGH UV V LED HTF18L B Q2 HIGH UV V LOW UV V LED HTF18L t0 t1 t2 A 2 1 t 1 58 40 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 42: ...flashes if Health is present then take note of the corresponding output signal if Alarm is present then take note of the corresponding output signal Health Sensor is still ready for operation but the...

Page 43: ...62 63 SICK 62 42 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 44: ...64 EU ATTENTION 65 HTF18L SICK AG Image A 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice 43 54...

Page 45: ...1 90 90 20 90 6 90 200 7 87 250 9 84 300 11 81 Distance in mm inch Image H 2 SICK 0 56 Nm 3 Uv 0V B L Q1 Q2 brn wht M blu blk 1 4 2 3 Image B L Q2 M brn wht blu blk Q1 Image B 2 L M Q brn blu blk 1 3...

Page 46: ...G C 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 Sensing range min Sensing range max Set switching point Image F 270 LED LED LED LED LED LED LED LED F C G C 66 8017859 SICK Subject to change withou...

Page 47: ...Image C Image G 68 HTF18L B Q2 LOW UV V HIGH UV V LED Health HTF18L B Q2 HIGH UV V LOW UV V LED HTF18L t0 t1 t2 A 67 46 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 48: supply is OK replace the sensor LED Yellow LED flashes if Health is present then take note of the corresponding output signal if Alarm is present then take note of the corresponding output signal S...

Page 49: ...LED LED indicator fault pattern Cause Acci n output Check the power supply check all electrical connections cables and plug connections 71 72 SICK 71 48 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 50: ...73 1 EN 60825 1 2014 08 IEC60825 1 2007 03 4 4 650 670 21 CFR 1040 10 1040 11 50 24 2007 ATTENTION 74 HTF18L SICK AG Image A 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice 49 54...

Page 51: ...90 20 90 6 90 200 7 87 250 9 84 300 11 81 Distance in mm inch Image H 2 SICK 0 56 3 UV 0 B L Q1 Q2 brn wht M blu blk 1 4 2 3 Image B L Q2 M brn wht blu blk Q1 Image B 2 L M Q brn blu blk 1 3 4 Image...

Page 52: ...4 F Image E 5 C G 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 0 100 Sensing range min Sensing range max Set switching point Image F 270 C G 75 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice 51...

Page 53: ...Image C Image G 77 HTF18L Q2 B Alarm LOW UV HIGH UV Health HTF18L Q2 B Health HIGH UV LOW UV 76 52 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice...

Page 54: ...ons Green LED does not light up Voltage interruptions Ensure there is a stable power supply without interruptions Green LED does not light up Sensor is faulty If the power supply is OK replace the sen...

Page 55: ...and plug connections 80 81 SICK Laser class Laser klasse Classe laser Classe de laser Classe laser Clase de l ser Sensing range Schaltab stand Distance de com mutation Dist ncia de comu ta o Distanza...

Page 56: ...4 With light dark ratio 1 1 5 Signal transit time with resistive load 1 Tastgut mit 90 Remission bezogen auf Stan dard Wei DIN 5033 2 Grenz werte Betrieb im kurz schlussge sch tzten Netz max 8 A Rest...

Page 57: ...ontra invers o de p los UV B Entra das e sa das prote gidas contra polaridade inversa D Sa das protegidas contra sobrecor rente e curto cir cuito 7 A utiliza o do sensor abaixo de Ta 10 C poss vel se...

Page 58: ...Ta 10 C 82 8017859 SICK Subject to change without notice 57 HTF18L...
