Dangerous state of the machine
During commissioning, the machine or the protective device may not yet behave as you
have planned.
Make sure that there is no-one in the hazardous area during commissioning.
Thorough check
Requirements for the thorough check during commissioning and in certain situations
The device and its application must be thoroughly checked in the following situations:
Before commissioning
After changes to the configuration or the safety function
After changes to the mounting or the electrical installation
After exceptional events, such as after manipulation has been detected, after
modification of the machine, or after replacing components
The thorough check ensures the following:
All relevant regulations are complied with and the device is effective in all of the
machine’s operating modes.
The documentation accurately reflects the state/condition of the machine, includ‐
ing the protective device.
The thorough checks must be carried out by qualified safety personnel or specially qual‐
ified and authorized personnel, and must be documented in a traceable manner.
8024303/2019-12-18 | SICK
O P E R A T I N G I N S T R U C T I O N S | ReLy TIME1
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