Dec 2021
ATM60 / ATM90 / KHK53
Figure 7–2: GSD Implementation
The configuration tool used produces a so-called parameter set for each subscriber in the net-
work. This data set is stored in a file. This file thus is a logical image of the physical network and
is used by the Master PLC for the correct control of the complete system.
The following data must be configured/confirmed by the user:
Configuration format for the data exchange (Data_Exchange).
On the basis of all implemented subscribers, the configuration tool supplements the data set
with DP protocol-specific data of the complete network.
Using the DP-V0 protocol allows no changes of parameter values during cyclical data traffic.
7.3 Data Mapping of a UINT32 (UDINT) Value
According to the GSD specification, numerical values 32 bits in length are defined as "Un-
signed32" (UDINT). This data format is not supported by all configuration tools, especially not
by the older ones. – See example with COM Profibus V3.3 on the following pages (value map-
ping for measuring range [steps] and steps per turn).
To support correct parameterisation when using simple configuration tools, the numerical value
is divided into a High word (bits 31_16) and a Low word (bits 15_00).
The two individual values are formed according to the following procedure:
Conversion of the entire numerical value from decimal to hex. format.
-- { byte 1 to byte 4 }.
Conversion of the hex. value byte {1 and 2 } back to decimal. – value 1 "....--(31_16)".
Conversion of the hex. value byte {3 and 4 } back to decimal. – value 2 "....--(15_00)".
This type of mapping affects the following parameters:
Steps per measuring unit (for rotary encoders: also steps per rev.) -- (CPR).
Steps over the total measuring range (CMR).