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Line-Out Port Connector
Line-Out is a stereo output port through
which the combined signal of all internal
and external audio sources on the board
is output. It can be connected to 1/8-inch
TRS stereo headphones or to amplified
Line-In (Rear-Out) Port Connector
Line-In is a stereo line-level input port that
accepts a 1/8-inch TRS stereo plug. It can
be used as a source for digital sound re-
cording, and a source to be mixed with
the output, or both.
Mic-In (Center/Bass-Out) Port
Mic-In is a 1/8-inch jack that provides a
mono input. It can use a dynamic mono
or stereo microphone with a resistance of
not more than 600 Ohms.
LAN Port Connector (AN35N
Ultra/AN35N-400 Only)
This mainboard can accommodate one
device on LAN. Attach a RJ-45 cable to
this LAN port connector on back panel.
USB1/USB2 Port Connectors
This mainboard offers 2 USB ports on back
panel. Plug each USB device jack into an
available USB1/USB2 connector.
Line-Out Port
Line-In (Rear-Out) Port
Mic-In (Center/Bass-Out) Port
USB Port2
USB Port1
LAN Port