Illumisphere 50
Product code: 41123
In this menu you can adjust the device’s settings.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of the following settings:
Display Rev:
The display will be rotated at 180° (No/Yes)
Adjustment of the sensitivity of the built-in microphone. The adjustment
range is 000–100, from low to high sensitivity
DMX Fail:
The device’s behavior in case of a DMX error. There are 2 options: Hold (the
Illumisphere 50 will use the last properly received DMX signal which ensures
undisrupted performance) and OFF (output blackout)
See Calibration
Factory Reset:
Reset all settings to factory defaults (YES/NO)
Press the ENTER button to confirm your choice.
In this submenu you can calibrate the LEDs. This submenu requires a password. The password is 018.
Press the UP button repeatedly to input the number 018. The display will show:
Press the ENTER button to confirm the password.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to scroll through the following options:
All to origin:
Restore the color intensity of all colors to the default values (No/Yes)
Red color intensity calibration. The adjustment range is 0–255
Green color intensity calibration. The adjustment range is 0–255
Blue color intensity calibration. The adjustment range is 0–255
White color intensity calibration. The adjustment range is 0–255
Press the ENTER button to confirm your choice.
System Info
In this menu you can view the device’s parameters.
Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select one of the following options:
Shows the firmware version
Shows the active run mode
Shows the DMX starting address of the device