Operational procedure
1. Start the statistics function.
Set Function1 to [
Then, press the Set key to switch to the
statistics function.
Place a tare container on the balance as
Zero-setting and tare are important in order to
ensure that statistics are accurately calculated.
Ensure that “0” is displayed before proceeding.
2. Collect a data point.
Place a sample on the balance and press the
Print key.
] is displayed, and the data point is
The data can be printed out if the balance is
connected to an output device.
<Note>If the value of a data point is 0 or less,
] is displayed and the data point is
not collected.
3. Collect the next data point.
Remove the sample from the balance and
ensure that “0” is displayed.
Place another sample on the balance and
repeat step 2 to collect the next data point.
Repeat this process until the required number of
data points has been collected.
If an incorrect data point is collected or you want
to cancel a collected data point, refer to Section
6.7.4 "Cancelling the last collected data point.”
4. Display the statistical calculation results.
Press the Function key.
The display switches to the statistical calculation
5. Switch to another calculation item.
Press the Set key when a calculated statistic is
being displayed to switch to another calculation
Every time the Set key is pressed, the
calculation item is switched according to the
order shown in the table provided in Section
6.7.1 "Calculation items” on page 29.
6. Switch to the weight display.
Press the Function key when a calculated
statistic is being displayed to switch to the
weight display.
If the Function key is pressed again, the
calculated statistic that was displayed prior to
the switch will be displayed.
001 1009.18 g
001 1009.18 g
002 1002.64 g