SHINING 3D - EinScan Pro 2X series - EXScan Pro 3.5 - User Manual –
Single scan, group or project can be dropped into both windows. Scans in the group
or are not allowed, split the group first.
Alignment can be used between projects, load the full projects on the float and fixed
window. A single data can not be aligned with another project.
click to remove the scan, group or project from fixed or float window
Texture visible or invisible (color pack only)
Auto align
Drag the data into the fixed and floated viewport, click the feature align button on
the right, the software will align based on the features automatically.
Manual align
SHIFT + click left mouse button
to select at least 3 non-collinear corresponding
points in the 3D preview windows for Manual Alignment, as shown below.
cancel last point picked