If you still do not hear a fax tone, turn off the Quiet Detect Time function
and have callers send faxes by pressing "5", "
", "
and then their Start
key. For more information on this method, see "If it still doesn’t work" in
this chapter.
If you have problems
If you have problems with the hookup, first check the following:
Is the answering machine connected properly to the fax? One end of the an-
swering machine line should be inserted in the "TEL. SET" jack on the
fax, and the other end in the answering machine’s telephone line jack.
Have you set Option Setting 9, TAD CONNECTED, to YES on your fax as
described on the second page of this chapter, and is the reception mode set
to AUTO?
If the above settings and connections are correct and the hookup still doesn’t op-
erate properly, the operation of the fax and the answering machine are probably
not synchronized well. Some common problems and their solutions are de-
scribed below.
Are callers who want to leave a voice message being interrupted by the fax
before they can do so?
The fax is set to take over the line and begin reception if it detects a set duration
of silence (called "Quiet Detect Time"). If your outgoing message contains a
pause or the caller pauses while leaving a message, and the pause is longer than
the set duration, the fax will interrupt.
It is best to shorten or eliminate such pauses, but if necessary you can also try
lengthening the Quiet Detect Time setting. This procedure is described in "Op-
tional Hook-up Settings" at the end of this chapter.
Are callers who want to send a fax manually having trouble doing so after
your answering machine’s outgoing message plays?
If so, the answering machine may be disconnecting the line (hanging up) before
your fax has a chance to take over the line and begin reception. You can make
your fax activate sooner by shortening the Quiet Detect Time setting. This proce-
dure is described in "Optional Hook-up Settings" at the end of this chapter.
Chapter 7 Answering Machine Hookup