E – 17
2 large potatoes
1 tablespoon butter
1 tablespoon m ilk
salt and pepper
500 g m inced beef
1 onion, chopped
1 tablespoon gravy pow der
1/2 cup tom ato sauce
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
(A hot sauce containing soy sauce, vineger,
m olasses, chilis and tropical fruits and spices)
1 tom ato, chopped
2 tablespoons parsley
1 egg, beaten
1. Peel and cut potatoes into 2.5 cm cubes. Add 2
tablespoons w ater; cover and cook for 14-16
m inutes on 100% or until tender. Drain.
2. M ash potatoes; add butter, m ilk, salt and pep-
3. In a large bow l, com bine m ince and onion and
cook for 10-12 m inutes on 70%, stirring every
2 m inutes. Drain juices from m eat.
4. Add gravy pow der, tom ato sauce, Worcester-
shire sauce, tom ato and parsley. M ix w ell.
5. Spoon m ixture into a 3-litre casserole dish.
6. Spread m ashed potato evenly over top of
m ixture. Brush w ith beaten egg.
7. Cook for 20-22 m inutes on 70%.
8. Allow to stand for 10 m inutes before serving.
Serves 4-6
1 packet (30 g) French onion soup
1/4 cup plain flour
750 g lam b, cubed
4 spring onions, quartered
2 carrots, thinly sliced
1 cup chicken stock
310 g can corn kernels, drained
2 sticks celery, finely chopped
300 m L carton sour cream
1. Com bine French onion soup m ix and flour in a
2-3 litre casserole dish. Toss the lam b in flour
m ixture, coating thoroughly.
2. Add onions and carrots, stir in chicken stock
and m ix w ell.
3. Cover and cook for 28-30 m inutes on 50%,
stirring during cooking.
4. Add corn, celery and sour cream . M ix w ell.
5. Cook a further 12-15 m inutes on 50%.
Serves 4
30 g butter
1 onion, chopped
1 kg topside m ince
1/4 cup tom ato paste
240 g jar bolognese sauce
(pasta sauce m ade from
m inced m eat and tom ato)
200 g can cham pignons, drained
1 clove garlic, crushed (optional)
90 g butter
1/3 cup flour
1 3/4 cups m ilk
125 g tasty cheese, grated
200 g packet instant lasagne noodles
100 g m ozzarella cheese, grated
(An Italian unripened curd cheese
w ith a m ild, cream y taste)
1. Place butter and onion in a Pyrex bow l. Cook
for 2-3 m inutes on 100%.
2. Stir in m ince. Cook, uncovered, for 12-15 m in-
utes on 70%, stirring every 2 m inutes. Drain
excess fat.
3. Stir in tom ato paste, bolognese sauce, cham pi-
gnons and garlic.
1. M elt butter for 40-50 seconds on 100%. Stir in
flour; cook for further 1 m inute on 100%.
2. Gradually stir in m ilk, Cook for 5-6 m inutes on
100%, stirring every m inute.
3. Stir in tasty cheese.
1. Cover base of a 26 cm round dish w ith m eat
sauce. Dip lasagne noodles in hot w ater then
place a layer of lasagne noodles on top. Spoon
in one-third of rem aining m eat sauce. Spread
w ith one-third of cheese sauce.
2. Repeat process, ending w ith cheese sauce.
3. Sprinkle w ith m ozzarella cheese.
4. Cook for 20-24 m inutes on 70%.
5. Allow to stand 10 m inutes before serving.
6. Serve w ith a fresh garden salad and bread.
Serves 8