Chapter 15: Appendix
Module (device)
FL-net installation check sheet
Communication line name:
Station number:
Date checked:
Item to check
Checked by:
Are all the connectors securely locked?
Are the cable curve radiuses within the specified value?
Are the connectors protected by jackets, etc.?
Are the wiring DI numbers (line numbers) attached to the lines? Are they
Is any communication cable lying under a heavy object?
Is any communication cable bundled with a power line?
Is the AUI cable length for repeaters always 2 m or less? Is the transceiver
cable length less than 50 m?
Is the coaxial cable (10BASE-5) length less than 500 m?
Is the coaxial cable properly grounded using a ground terminal?
Is the shield on the coaxial cable isolated from the transceiver?
Are the terminating resistors properly installed on the coaxial cable?
Are the number of layers of hubs and repeaters within the specified values?
Is a straight cable (not a cross cable) used for the twisted pair cable?
Is a category 5 cable used for the twisted pair cable and is it less than 100 m
Are the GND terminals on the equipment properly connected?
Is each device securely attached to its base?
Is the rack panel securely attached to a control panel?
Is the AUI cable securely locked?
Is excessive force being placed on the AUI cable installation section by a
Are the RJ45 connectors securely installed?
Are the connectors for the AUI cables securely locked?
Are the line numbers attached?
Are the transceivers properly installed at marked positions on the cable?
Are the SQE switches on the transceivers properly set as per the
Are the hubs properly secured?
Are there any incorrect settings on the HB/MAU select switches on the hubs?
Does the power supplied to hubs comply with the specifications for voltage?
- Make sure to check these items and fill in the sheet when modifying or changing the system.
- Put an O (OK) or an X (NG) in the result column and enter the rotary switch number and ON/OFF
status of dip switches inside the parenthesis ( ) for the setting switches.
15-8 FL-net installation check sheet