on the load bearing device.
• Moving the lift under load is only permitted if special safety measu
res are observed.
• Attached equipment (e.g. gearbox plates) for engine and gearbox
installation and removal must not be pivoted or tilted so that the
structural stability is reduced. This means: all loads to be lifted are
centered and evenly distributed.
Lifting loads
• Before using the lift for a vehicle, release the hand brake and shift
the transmission to neutral.
• Attach lifting gear at even, load-bearing points which are specified
by the vehicle manufacturer.
• The load bearing device must be centered on the load. Watch out
for the shift in centre of gravity during lifting.
• You must keep the movement area of the vehicle free, and keep the
vehicle being moved under observation.
• It is forbidden for anyone to enter the area of movement.
• In the event of malfunctions, shut down the unit immediately and
notify supervisor / service department.
• Always observe the applicable regulations EN 1494:2009-5/BGG
945/BGR 500
• To raise or lower, press the appropriate pushbutton.or lowering valve
Lowering loads
Make lowering movements slowly and evenly. Monitor the load during
the movement.
• Monitor the load during the movement.