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- If the leak detector is used on containers with internal overpres-
sures of max. 50 mbar (e.g. Gas recirculation), it must be fitted at
least 1 meter above the top of the vessel.
- Air supply and ventilation lines must be kept clear.
- Integrate the leak detector housing into the equipotential bonding
5.3 Pneumatic connection cables
5.3.1 Requirements
- At least 6 mm clearance
- Resistance to the stored or conveyed product
- At least PN 10 over the complete temperature range
- The full cross-section must be retained (do not bend)
- Color coding:
Measuring line:
Suction line
- The length of the cables between the interstitial space and the leak
detector should not exceed 50 m. If the distance is greater, a larg-
er cross-section is to be used. Special conditions apply to the ex-
haust line, see Sec. 5.3.1.
- Condensate traps should be fitted at all of the lowest points of the
connection lines.
- Fit liquid stop valve in the suction line (generally a part of the
mounting kit).
- If liquids are being stored or conveyed for which explosion protec-
tion regulations must be complied with, suitable detonation flame
arresters must be fitted at the connection to the interstitial space.
5.3.2 Exhaust
- The length of the exhaust line may not exceed 35 m. The manu-
facturer should be contacted if this is not enough.
- The exhaust line is generally led to the tank ventilation line, a det-
onation flame arrester being fitted immediately before connection
to the tank ventilation line.
- Exceptions from the recirculation of the exhaust to tank ventilation:
such as double-walled pipes or comparable:
Exhaust ends in the open air, in a safe
space, outside the ex-
plosion protection area:
Provide condensate trap and liquid stop valve in the exhaust
line, apply Zone 1 conditions in a 1 m circle around the end of
the exhaust, affix warning notice if appropriate.
Among other things, not accessible to public traffic / people