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3.5.2 Pipes/tubes
In the design manufactured either in the plant or on-site
Usage limits:
in accordance with the Table in Sec. 3.5.1 in b), where
the height between the low point of the interstitial space and the node
point (junction of the suction line and measuring line, generally in the
assembly kit or manifold, see also 5.7.4 ff) is to be used instead of the
tank diameter.
- Suction lines: The alarm underpressure must be at least 30 mbar
greater than the max. underpressure in the inner pipe at the high-
est point of the interstitial space
- Pressureless lines such as filling lines
- Pressure-controlled pipelines with up to 5 bar overpressure (only if
flash point > 60 °C), see also chap. 2.1.
- In special application cases (individual pressureless pipeline, gra-
dient to a point) the VLXE 34 design can also be used.
- For Germany: with usability certificate from construction oversight
Note: Double-walled fittings may also be integrated into the pipeline.
Double-walled fittings can also be monitored for themselves with this
leak detector. The installation examples for pipes are to be applied
3.5.3 Monitorable
Water-polluting liquids with a flashpoint
60°C (for Germany the limit
is 55°C in accordance with TRGS 509 and 751), such as fuels and
The following conditions also apply:
- The materials used must be resistant to the liquids being moni-
- Water-polluting liquids with flashpoint
60 °C (for Germany the
limit is 55 °C in accordance with TRGS 509 and 751)
and flash-
point > 60 °C (for Germany the limit is 55 °C in accordance with
TRGS 509 and 751) with possible explosive vapor-air mixtures
(e.g. due to outgassing).
These possible explosive vapor-air mixtures must be heavier than
air and classifiable into Explosion group IIA or IIB as well as in
temperature class T1 to T3, such as fuel e.g. (petroleum).
- If different water-polluting liquids are being conveyed in single
pipes and monitored with a leak detector, these liquids must not
negatively influence one another and the mixture must not lead to
chemical reactions.
Technical Data