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5. Installation of the system
5.1 General Information
- Before starting work, the documentation must be read and under-
stood. If anything is unclear, please contact the manufacturer.
- Take manufacturer approvals into account for the vessel/pipe or
the interstitial space.
- The safety instructions in this documentation must be observed.
- Installation and start-up must only be performed by qualified firms
- Feedthroughs for pneumatic and electrical connection lines, via
which the Ex atmosphere can spread, must be sealed so that they
are gas-tight.
- Comply with the relevant regulations for electrical installations, ex-
plosion protection (e.g. EN 60 079-14, EN 60 079-17) and accident
protection regulations.
- Comply with explosion protection regulations, such as the German
BetrSichV (or the Directive 1999/92/EC and the resulting laws in
the respective member states) and/or others.
- Pneumatic connections, connection lines and fittings must be de-
signed in at least PN 10 for the entire temperature range that may
- Before entering inspection shafts check the oxygen content and, if
necessary, flush the inspection shaft.
- When metal connection lines are used, it must be ensured that the
mains power supply earth has the same potential as the
tank/piping to be monitored.
5.2 Installation of the leak detector
- Wall installation using the supplied installation material.
- Outside the explosion hazard area in the open air, without other
protective boxes, but not in shafts or tanks.
Over shafts and tanks only if these will be or are defined as explo-
sion hazard zones.
- If the installation is to take place in an enclosed area, it must be
well ventilated. The basis for the assessment by the operating
company is EN 60 079-10/EN 13 237.
- To avoid excessive heating, the leak detector may not be fitted di-
rectly alongside heat sources.
The ambient temperature may not exceed 60°C. Appropriate
measures may need to be taken (e.g. installing a sunroof to limit
solar radiation).
For Germany: "qualified firms" in the sense of the Water Act, which have demonstrated their qualification
for installing leak detection systems.