SI 4000
Check Accumulated Weighing Count from beginning.
Max. Serial No. Display : Max. 99,999
If the Serial No. is beyond 99,999, count will be return to 00,000.
But, indicator will take all serial count, even if the display will be 00,000.
S/N Check “ S/N key input,
then Accumulated serial No. will be displayed during 3sec.
S/N Change : S/N key input, then press new S/N count and press Enter to save.
Under each “Part No.(P/N)”, you can make more detailed sorting function with this key.
Under each P/N, you can set Max. 6digit code, and manage the each code.
Code Check : Code key input, them Code No. will be displayed during 3sec.
Code Change : Code key input, then enter new Code value with No. key and Enter
to save.
To Set “Auto Print” mode.
Under Auto Print Mode, When the weight will be increased over than “Empty Range”
and steady, steady weight will be printed automatically.
Under “Auto Print” mode, Steady weight will be printed and Save on Sub-Total
and Grand-Total Data.
1. Manual Print -
Whenever press this key, you can print out.
2. Calibration mode
- Digit setting : Whenever pressing “0”key, digit will be change 1, 2, 5, 10, and 50.
- Decimal point position : Whenever pressing “0”key, decimal point will be change.
Decimal Point set will be done in the calibration mode.
1. Modify the set value during setting process.
2. Calibration mode - Move back to previous step.
3. F-function setting mode - Change F-function No.
F-function no.(number key) + Clear
directly move to that F-function
4. Function key : Sub-total, Grand-total manual delete.
1. Save set value during setting process.
2. Calibration mode - Save current setting and move to next step.
3. F-Function mode - Save current F-function setting, and move to next F-function
Enter/Exit to “Calibration” mode.
Function Keys (Combined Key functions)
Delete current P/N’s accumulated weighing count and weight
(If you set F44-01, the data will be automatically deleted after “Sub-Total Print).
Delete all P/Ns’ accumulated weighing count and weight
(If you set F44-01, the data will be automatically deleted after “Grand-Total