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Measuring time
The “measuring time” function allows you to specify how many
single measurements are to be performed before measurement
The “summation” function uses all the
individual results for the
mode of curve of the CCF and analyzes them equally.
The “averaging” function evaluates the individual results differ
ently: the most recently performed measurement has the greatest
influence on the CCF; the previous ones much less etc.
The “averaging” setting of the CCF thus tends to reflect the cur
rent noise.
Mode of curve
You can change the mode of curve of the correlation function:
CCF positive
The CCF only has positive values.
CCF pos. + neg.
The CCF contains positive and negative values.
TOP positive
The mode of curve is like the “CCF positive” one, but the top
values are usually more prominent.
TOP pos. + neg.
The mode of curve is like the “CCF pos. + neg.” one, but the
top values are usually more prominent.