4 Electroacoustic water leak detection
Electroacoustic water leak detection
Locating leaks
Non-metallic pipe materials transmit the structure-borne sound
less effectively. It is therefore not enough to examine the fittings.
A ground microphone is used to perform an additional check on
the length of piping between the fittings.
Using the ground microphone at regular intervals enables the leak
to be located without excavation. Once again, the
AC 06
an accurate optical comparison of the noise intensities.
The illustration above is an example of how the display changes
when a leak occurs.
Connect the ground micro-
phone to the
AC 06
Place the ground microphone
on the ground.
Activate the
AC 06
with the
rotary regulator
or the
phone key
A loudspeaker symbol ap
pears in the display during the
The analog display shows
the current volume measure-