I can’t hear anything on the TV!
This converter does not process audio, and
sound will play from your computer speakers. If
you would like to get audio on the TV you can
purchase a separate audio cable like the SW-
7921. If you have an audio cable, make sure it is
plugged into the headphone jack on your
computer and that the red and white ends are
connected to the same input as the video on your
TV. Next, make sure the audio is turned up and
not muted on your TV, computer, and the
application you are running.
I can only see color bars on my TV.
The converter outputs a test signal of color bars
to make sure the converter has power and is
setup to work. It is only missing a signal from the
VGA connection from the computer. Make sure
you set your resolution to one supported and
then try your hotkeys to output a video signal.