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Select “WLAN” → “WiFi Setup” from the menu.
Configure WiFi Basic
Select whether WiFi is enabled or disabled.
Select whether WiFi Bridge Mode is enabled or disabled.
Configure SSID of wireless AP.
Select wireless mode(11b/g mixed, 11B only, 11G only)
Configure WiFi Security
Select Authentication Mode(Open, Shared, WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK)
Set whether encryption mode using WEP will be used or not.
Set network key if using WEP encryption.
Finish setup by clicking “Save”. Then, you will be moved to the Rebooting Screen.
If you have finished CPE setup and want to reboot the CPE, click “Yes” button to
reboot the CPE.
Changed configuration is applied after rebooting the system.
The Wired LAN interface’s IP address can be changed according to the WiFi Bridge
mode. If you can’t access SWC-5x00W with WiFi after the modification of WiFi
Bridge mode, try to access with “”.