User Manual
Doc. MI004760-E
Rev. 0
Pag. 20
Serial port:
In this frame (collection of options) the parameters choice of the serial line is performed. In the Master units,
these parameters configuration is referred to the data exchange between the radiomodem and the external
Modbus node. In the Slave unit, these parameters configuration is referred to the data exchange between the
radiomodem and the SCADA application. The format of the frame on the RS485 serial port uses one stop bit.
Baud rate:
This field is used to set the communication speed of the serial line. The legal values are: 1200, 2400, 4800,
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 bps.
By this selector it is possible to enable and choose the parity type on the serial line. It is possible to choose
between: None (parity disabled), parity Even, parity Odd.
Time DTX:
Defines the time between the stop of the data received from the serial port and the sending of the packet via
radio. In the "modus low energy" mode this parameter only affects the unit configured as a Slave. If you realize
that the data transmitted from the slave unit are incomplete, try to increase this time.
Repetition number:
It is active only in the devices configured as Master. In this field you can set the number of repetitions of a packet
when there is no answer.
RF Power:
Allows the choice between three different power levels: High, Medium, Low. If the value of the RSSI, present in
the diagnostic parameters sent to the SCADA software, is good (-70 dBm or better), and if the low power of the
Master unit is an important factor, it is advisable to choose a medium or low power level.
Channel sel A LBT:
In this box you choose the radio channel to be used. If you want to use the agility feature (transmission on the
less noisy channel among the active channels), you can select more than one radio channel. The maximum
number of active channels is dependent on the canalization setting.
It is mandatory that in the same network
all the radiomodems use the same radio channels.
In "Modbus Low Energy" mode the LBT function cannot
be activated.
AES Enable:
Enable or disable the AES-128 data encryption. In the transmitted packet, the encoding and decoding is done
on the payload only.
Set AES Key:
By pressing this button a window opens where the value of the 128-bit AES key is set. The user must insert 16
ascii character. The configurator displays an error message if, upon pressing the "OK" button, the string of the
AES key is incomplete (i.e. less than 16 characters are inserted).
: If the AES is used, all the radiomodems in the same network
must use the same AES key
. If the key
setting is not the same, the data transiting on the serial line are not interpretable by the connected SCADA