TD140-038.11 | Version 1.1 | 22 March 2019
John Doe
My status
Senec.Home Li
Start page/My status
After the successful login, the start page of mein-
senec.de is displayed.
In the menu view you access automatically the menu
tab "My Status".
„My status“ lists the current data on domestic
consumption, self-generated electricity, battery
charging, battery draw, mains current draw as well as
mains current feed-in.
To the left a navigation bar is shown.
John Doe
My status
Senec.Home Li
My status in characteristic curves
You may also select a display of the current values in
a characteristic curve diagram.
In the Home menu, select "Characteristic curves" in
the top right corner. You return to the tile view by
clicking "Tiles" in the upper right corner of the Home
John Doe
My status
Senec.Home Li
The following pages provide a description of the
single tiles on the start page.