-EN_9 -
A u t o f i l l
SL310010085 Ed.00 - 03_14
Before undertaking any cleaning and maintenance of the
Autofill’s external components, make sure that the main
switch is positioned on -0- and that the machine is un-
The procedures recommended below do not re-
lease the user from his responsibility to prop-
erly and regularly treat equipment according
to the specific environmental and operational
conditions in the local; the type of installation; the level
of consumption; the chemical and physical properties of
prduct used and any other factors which may promote
the development of microbes.
The user must evaluate all of the above-mentioned fac-
tors carefully and act in compliance with local hygiene
standards and in respect of the health and safety of those
that drink the end-product.
The procedures outlined below should be carried out:
upon initial installation;
at least every 15 days during normal use;
at the end of the season and/or before a long
period of inactivity or storage;
before use after a long period of inactivity.
Attention: Also perform the procedures when
the Autofill system has not worked for 3 - 4
days, during normal use, for example because
it did not deliver any granita.
When carrying out cleaning and maintenance jobs, you should
observe the following rules:
wear accident prevention protection gloves;
do not use solvents or infl ammable materials;
• do not use abrasive and/or metal sponges to clean the ma-
chine and its components;
do not wash the machine components in the dish washer;
do not immerge the machine into water;
do not spray direct water jets on the equipment;
take care to avoid dispersing liquids in the surrounding area;
do not dry parts of the Autofi ll in a conventional and/or micro-
wave oven;
use only a cloth dampened with water to clean external parts.
use only lukewarm water and a proper disinfectant for clean-
ing (a 5% water-based solution of sodium hypochlorite), so
that the machine components are not damaged;
• at the end of the operations, correctly reset and fi x all the
protections which had been removed or opened.
Do not use any other method and/or liquid to clean
the Autofi ll system.
Never perform cleaning or maintenance jobs on
the Autofi ll when it is plugged in and the main
switch is positioned on -1-. Before cleaning the
Autofi ll, you should also turn off and unplug the
slush machine.
7.1. Cleaning the product circuits
In order for you to perform cleaning and maintenance jobs
on the internal circuits of the Autofi ll, it must be plugged in
and the main switch must be positioned on -1-.
The sanitizing solution and the water used for
cleaning must be collected in a suitable container.
If you intend to replace the product inside the tank,
you can dispense the sanitizing solution directly
into the tank itself. First you must empty the tank
of all its contents and after cleaning you must
empty it of the liquids introduced with the Autofi ll.
The product circuits must be cleaned and sanitized
every time the product fl avor is changed and in any
case at least once a week following the initial load-
ing of the circuit.
Circuits must be anyhow cleaned and sanitized ac-
cording to what prescribed by the hygienic stand-
ards in force in the country where the Autofi ll sys-
tem is used.
NOTE: In normal working conditions, the prod-
duct pump silicone pipe shall be replaced every 6
To sanitize the product circuit, proceed as follows:
1. Turn off the Autofi ll by moving the main switch to “0”;
2. Remove the intake tube from the product container; wash the
intake tube with lukewarm water (40°C);
3. Turn on and keep working the Autofi ll until all the product has
come out of the Autofi ll product dispensing tube
4. Insert a container of lukewarm water (40°C) in place of the
product container and place the previously emptied product
intake tube inside it.
5. Turn on and keep working the Autofi ll until the water coming
out of the product dispensing spout is perfectly clear, without
traces of product.
Then insert the intake tube in a container of sanitizing solution (a
5% water-based solution of sodium hypochlorite).
1. Turn on and keep working the Autofi ll until you see sanitizing
solution start to come out of the Autofi ll.
Allow ten (10) minutes for the sanitizing solution to act; Then fl ush
out the circuit with lukewarm water to remove the sanitizing solu-
1. Wash the intake tube with potable water (40°C);
2. Thoroughly wash the container and fi ll it with potable water
3. Insert the intake tube in the container of water;
4. Turn on and keep working the Autofi ll, so that plenty of water
comes out and the sanitizing solution is removed.