- 8_EN-
SL310010085 Ed.00 - 03_14
A u t o f i l l
Note: Autofi ll will fi ll the tank and maintain the so-
lution in the tank at the correct level.
6.2. Replacing the product container
Note: When the product is fi nished it must be re-
placed by another with the same characteristics.
If the product is different, proceed to do a washing
cycle and sanitizing the circuit.
When the product inside the container runs out, Autofi ll will signal
an alarm to warn the user.
Before the Autofi ll may be started up, specialized technicalv
personnel must check that it functions properly.
Start the slush machine when the level in the tank
has reached the minimum indicated in the ma-
chine manual.
The consistency of the granita must be regulated
avoiding contact between the granita and the bot-
tom of the Autofi ll.
Autofi ll cannot work during the night and/or with-
out monitoring; at the end of the cycle, switch off
the Autofi ll.
6.1. Normal use of the Autofi ll
• turn on the Autofi ll by placing the main switch (5) in position
• Autofi ll will start dispensing product inside the slush machine
until reach the correct level.
• If after 11 minutes Autofi ll has not reached the correct lev-
el, Autofi ll will stop and the LED will fl ash indicating missing
• Every
Autofi ll detect that product level in the tank is not
the correct Autofi ll will dispense product for 2 minutes and 30
seconds as maximum.
6.2.1. Loading
After installing a new product container, turn on the Autofi ll.
The pump will quickly start up to fi ll the circuit faster.
If after that time Autofi ll has not reached the correct level, Au-
tofi ll will stop and the LED will fl ash. In this case, check the
product tank.